University Readiness
Inspiring pathways to university
Industry exploration, career discovery, self-reflection, creativity, problem-solving and fun for students aged 13 - 18.
Bon Discovery League
is a portal...
...for families and their teenagers,
to make informed choices about careers and majors, while exploring the industries that make the modern world possible. And we have Internet cats. Meet BDL cat to the right!
...for government, foundations and corporate clients,
to empower their communities, meet their CSR goals and identify talented youth for scholarship opportunities.

BDL is offered in both private as well as public editions.

Program Components:

Weekly Virtual Sessions
Through virtual sessions, students explore industries and gain career insights that foster curiosity and clarity for their future education.
Industry Guest Speakers
Guest speakers from target industries share valuable insights into their career journey as well as future trends shaping the world.
Relevant Projects & Challenges
Completing fun projects and challenges offers students an authentic experience of solving problems in different industries.

Fun, Gamified, Effective Experience

inspire curiosity
Bon Discovery League has been working to inspire students curiosity for 4 years. Each year the program gets more fun and exciting!
More than 2,000 students have experienced Bon Discovery League and the number is growing each year.
Infinite untapped opportunity to build, grow and scale the impact of Bon Discovery League.
Get in touch to  discuss how we can help.